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COVID19 and St. Anne Youth Ministry

Dear Friends,

With all of the many restrictions placed on public gatherings and recommendations for slowing the transmission of COVID19, I am hoping that I can stay in gre

ater contact with you all through this blog. From this blog, current high school Confirmation students will find lessons to review so they can stay current on their catechisms. Additionally, I hope to stay in contact with my families, be an encouragement to them, and further enable them to succeed at serving their Middle and High School students faith formation.

This is likely the biggest challenge our country has faced since Sept. 11, 2001. The financial markets are in turmoil. Stores are having their shelves cleared of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and vitamin C. Restaurants and public gathering places are beginning to shut down. Greater restrictions to travel are added almost daily. To put it mildly, things are getting crazy.

It is important we remain vigilant in our faith, however. Jesus taught if God will protect the birds of the air and the flowers in the meadow, how much more will He provide for His children. We who claim Christ Jesus as Lord and profess faith in Him are inheritors of God's provision. Therefore, we also have a responsibility to serve and pray, utilizing our knowledge of God and the gifts He has given us to promote peace and justice wherever we may find ourselves.

To that end, I ask you to consider praying during this time of great anxiety. If you are not sure who or what to pray for, here is a short list you can start with:

-- Pray for a slowing and ceasing of the transmission of this virus. Pray Josephine County be spared of an outbreak.

-- Pray that all those at risk of contracting the virus and experiencing great difficulty be protected, and that if infected they find a quick recovery. These include all of our older and more senior community members, those already challenged by chronic health conditions or who are otherwise immunocompromised, and in some cases the newly born.

-- Pray for all frontline healthcare workers who put themselves at most risk while attempting to serve and care for those of our community infected by this illness. Pray they themselves remain healthy but also are able to find rest and peace when possibly having to work exceedingly long hours. Pray too for their families who may not be able to see those loved ones as often or not at all due to their dillegence fighting this illness.

-- Pray for our community business owners and those who employ other people. Pray that their businesses not suffer terribly during this time of economic instability. Pray those businesses can continue to support each and every one of their employees during this economic downturn. Pray those employees be able to find support and encouragement from both their employers and from each other. Pray that all of them remain safe and healthy while continuing to serve our community with their offerings.

-- Pray that our local, state, and national leaders have the wisdom to deal appropriately and decisively when needed to combat the spread of this illness. Pray that they act with both due diligence and grace while serving the people who have put their trust in their leadership. Pray that mercy and justice be at the forefront of all the decisions they must make. Pray that they seek Christ Jesus and His wisdom as they lead.

Thank you all. Blessings and good health to you.


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