Stewardship to Your Parish
Stewardship is the biblical principle of giving back to God a portion of what he has given to you, as a sign of gratitude for all that God has given us. We look at it in three dimensions: Time, talent, and treasure.
1. Time is simply that, the time one gives to something they value. We love our children, so we spend time with them.
2. The second dimension is talent. We all have been given gifts and abilities. We are not to hide them or hoard them, but rather give of ourselves and our skills that can help build up the Body of Christ.
3. Finally, treasure. We recognize that many things we do require financial resources and commitments. As Christians, we are not consumers, but people who are tending the things God has given us.
We recognize that our lives are not our own, but gifts from God. Life is about God and not ourselves. That said, we recognize that God wants to work through us with our ability and resources.
St. Anne strives for excellence in our efforts of evangelization, promoting the Sacraments, and building community. That means, we continue to employ our ministers to engage in new ways to make these goals a reality. We also have been striving to keep our grounds and facilities in the best condition. All of this, of course, costs money.
Do you want to give financially to the church in a timely and secure way? Please consider giving electronically/online. It is very simple. Just click the image of the "Donation" key on the keyboard, to the left, and follow the instructions. That is all there is to it!
We have been amazed and so grateful for those who have been able to continue to give in terms of their financial stewardship to our churches. We also understand that this may not be possible for all. In those cases, we ask that you pray for the ministries of our parish and her missions. In both cases, we want to thank you for your faithful stewardship.
We here at St. Anne use an online portal called, SimplGive. By clicking this link or the graphic to the left, you can make a simple gift to our parish, our school, or one of our missions. It's safe, simple, and secure. Thank you for your steward's response in time, talent, and treasure to St. Anne parish.